What must I do to be saved?

The history of the development of Christianity as a religion is filled with heroes and villains.  The creation of a political state out of Christianity with assumed governance over kings and kingdoms was one of many departures from the divine direction afforded by the New Testament (NT) epistles.  Reformation did not come easy nor did […]

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The Bible’s Pattern for Christians.

The pattern for Christian living and church life outlined in the Bible is the imitation of God.  By Apostolic authority, the pattern revealed in the New Testament had little to do with the form of worship, recognition of a fixed liturgy, principles of the outward adorning of clothing or church attendance.  Rather, the teaching to live as […]

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The church that Jesus built.

The good news of Jesus Christ was to be preached by the early disciples of the first-century world.  It was an offering of peace from God.  The death and resurrection of this Jewish Messiah made possible the forgiveness of sins and direct access to the Creator through reconciliation mediated by Christ.  God’s just requirement for […]

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The Second Coming- Part 1

What if you discovered that Christ had returned; the second coming was fulfilled?  If you are informed on popular theology concerning the second coming of Christ, you most likely believe that Christ promised to return to end Christian suffering, to end the world, and to make all things right much like they were before sin […]

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What God Wants!

Ever wonder what God wants for your life?  You may pray or search the scriptures for an answer; for guidance.  Does He want you to be happy?  To remarry?  To have kids?  To work at a bar?  You believe your life is unique.  You want to believe that God made you special and has a […]

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