Born Without Instincts
Instinct or innate behavior is the inherent inclination of a living organism towards a particular complex behavior. These behaviors are not learned behaviors but are genetically programmed. For instance, when hatched, sea turtles head for the open ocean from the beach… this is a hard-wired behavior. Salmon swim up freshwater streams where they were born […]
Read the restWe are minds in the making.
The world is the way it is for the reason that it was conceived to be so. The rational mind cannot negate the facts concerning the reality of a universe that has all the appearance of being “called into existence.” No kind of random, unintelligent event brings order into existence out of chaos or matter […]
Read the restThe Nebular Hypothesis of Solar System Formation – Let’s Pretend!
When it comes to scientific theory, our educational system teaches the current paradigms in terms that make it appear that science has figured everything out. Nothing could be further from the truth. So science majors, don’t lose hope. Hypotheses like the big bang, the nebular theory of solar system formation, the evolution of stars, biological […]
Read the restCellular Biology as Evidence for God.
Cell biology fascinates me. Understanding this aspect of life leads one to conclude on many other aspects of life. This includes purpose, plan, and providence of the human race. One of the very first lessons in biology is the ‘cell theory.’ It states that all living things are composed of a functional unit of life […]
Read the restNew Amazing Facts of Nature Prove Life Evolved (NOT)!
New discoveries in evolution! Here are a gleaning of paleo discoveries that prove that the fossil record has no evidence that life has evolved. Most of these finds prove life in the past was never primitive or underdeveloped. Some remarks on these “discoveries” are unremarkable. Earth shattering news- The hand of ancient humans was […]
Read the restThe Pseudoscience of … science!
The world is fascinating, science, not so much. Science as we know it has become a giant human fraud in many areas of study. Cosmology invokes inflaton particles that are able to expand the big bang with perfect uniformity at hundreds of times the speed of light and then vanish away without a trace. Dark […]
Read the restThe aliens are silent because they’re dead?
Some of the best research in astronomy has had to do with the search for extra-terrestrial life. It is some of the best because it has exhaustively searched using the most sophisticated and logical means of analysis. Based upon meaningful signals from the electromagnetic spectrum, it was expected that radio waves carrying language, images or […]
Read the restEvolutionary problems with orphan genes.
With the discovery that DNA possesses duplicate strands hiding a coded message, many thought that the mechanism of biological evolution would be proven through the inheritance of this molecule from generation to generation. We are still waiting for a genuine mechanism for evolution to be discovered so that the theory makes sense. Seventy years later, the massive […]
Read the restJourney to the Center of the Universe.
I have made much over the statements of Edwin Hubble in regards to his fantastic assertions about the structure of the cosmos. I have made much over his theoretical position since it is diametrically opposite to his actual findings and the confirmation of those findings by all astronomers since. You see, Hubble discovered the redshift […]
Read the restWater, water everywhere! Even in the depths of the Earth.
There are many indications that the universe has not always existed. It is not eternal. It was once thought to be so by ancient Greek philosophers and early 20th Century scientists. Matter, space and time were once considered eternal elements of the cosmos but mid-20th Century science has dispelled this myth. The entire cosmos had […]
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