Free Indeed!

There are many little-known facts about Jesus (Yeshua) that are not taught to His followers by those who ought to be knowledgeable.  Sometimes it is because it seems irrelevant and other times it seems the truth might damage a preconceived tradition of some denominational doctrine.  Most frightening is when those educated to teach the Bible have […]

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Evolving out of Eden

In a recent publication titled “Evolution out of Eden” (Tellectual Press, 2013) a vigorous and not unreasonable argument was made for the incompatibility of theology and biological evolution.  The idea of theistic evolution has been kicked around since Darwin first popularized a purely materialistic process of biological origins and diversity via “descent with modification”, that […]

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Of Demons, Demoniacs and Satan- Part 2

  The Satan-accuser of the faithful. The meaning of the name Satan is Adversary.   The Hebrew word is derived from a word meaning “one who plots against another.”  The word satan means “to show enmity to, oppose, plot against,” and comes from the root, s-t-n, “one who opposes, obstructs, or acts as a slanderer, literally […]

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Once Saved Always Saved?

There seem to be many “flavors” of Christian theology in the world. Some based on myth and others based on misconceptions. Other denominations highlight baptism or favor communion as the pinnacle of spiritual life. Some theology is correct but over emphasize one aspect of exhortation over another and other theologies are just unfounded such as […]

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Of Demons, Demoniacs and Devils: Part I

What a truly strange topic to discuss in our modern world. Most educated people in western civilization categorize the idea of demons and possession as lunacy or delusion, not only in the present world but also especially in the past when people believed in the invisible forces of nature and worshipped gods and goddesses. For […]

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