Ways to read the rocks.

Embedded in the sedimentary rock layers (GEOLOGY; of sedimentary rock that has formed from sediment deposited by water) are the remains of once-living things.  Most are just mineralized bones but many are the actual bones of once living things.  Some soft tissues which have mineralized can be found in extremely rare instances and many soft-bodied animals left their […]

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The church that Jesus built.

The good news of Jesus Christ was to be preached by the early disciples of the first-century world.  It was an offering of peace from God.  The death and resurrection of this Jewish Messiah made possible the forgiveness of sins and direct access to the Creator through reconciliation mediated by Christ.  God’s just requirement for […]

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What is the Law of Christ?

Throughout recorded time, the worship of God has mesmerized mankind.  In one form or another, people have made rules for worshipping deity.  In every case, the worshiper approached his god with sacrifice, honor, humility, and adoration.   This was true of the Hebrews and their God.  He had to be approached with great delicacy. Unlike […]

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What God Wants!

Ever wonder what God wants for your life?  You may pray or search the scriptures for an answer; for guidance.  Does He want you to be happy?  To remarry?  To have kids?  To work at a bar?  You believe your life is unique.  You want to believe that God made you special and has a […]

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No mystery in the gospel message.

Many preachers preach on subjects that are mysteries to them so that what is passed on helps no one to learn God’s plan or explain His care for people on the rocky road of life.  This is disappointing.  Mysteries do exist and maybe more often in the complex book of the Bible.  The book of […]

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The God of Dust!

Dust is not just a dirty word.  In the ancient Middle East dust was understood to be soil pulverized into a fine dry powder. The American dust bowl of the 1930s was literally just that; soil dried to fine powder and pulverized by the dry wind through the years of drought.  Dust of the soil […]

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A Day in the Life of Jesus

 One day Jesus, along with his ragtag team of followers, headed off to the temple in Jerusalem.  The temple was a grand place to meet, to discuss the scriptures, and argue points of law.  Like the malls of today it was also a great place for people watching.  As Jesus made his way along the […]

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