Evolutionary problems with orphan genes.

With the discovery that DNA possesses duplicate strands hiding a coded message, many thought that the mechanism of biological evolution would be proven through the inheritance of this molecule from generation to generation. We are still waiting for a genuine mechanism for evolution to be discovered so that the theory makes sense.  Seventy years later, the massive […]

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The Mastadon and Pumpkin Pie Connection

I have read some strange evolutionary fairy tales and many of them are hilarious.  Here are a few I recall: humans evolved a big brain because we ate more meat.  Grandmothers exist because it benefits the younger female to have more children.  Humans are hairless because it reduces parasitism.  Humans walk upright to carry food. […]

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Here’s a Fishy Story!

A new study(1) says that the enamel that coats your teeth first “evolved” in the skin.  Later, it “colonized” the teeth to give us, well, teeth.  Evidence?  Fish.  Yes, fish! How so?  Seems some fish produce an enamel-like substance that coats their scales.  Looking at the genome of some modern fish like the North American […]

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Keeping the myth alive.

Our science has been looking for Earth-like worlds for decades now.  Radio signals, stars like our own, wobbles in the light spectra coming from distant suns that may indicate an orbiting planet, are all part of the search for other worlds with potential life.   A recent discovery turned out to be “the planet that wasn’t […]

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Cellular Ribosomes: The Origin of Life?

A recent paper in the Journal of Theoretical Biology[i] boasts a solution to the “Many steps in the evolution in cellular life.”  The authors suggest that the ribosome, a cellular machine of tremendous complexity and specificity, may be an important link between cellular metabolism for life and the first living cell (or “last universal common […]

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The Problem of Polymers

One of the biggest problems and best kept secrets of all origin of life researchers is the problem with chemical reactions that do not occur in the nonliving world yet are required by the living world.  Such biochemical reactions simply do not occur in nature, anywhere or at any time, under any circumstances but require […]

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TURTLE Evolution continues to explain everything.

Turtle fossil found recently in Poland prove turtles lived and died. Fossil of large dinosaur looks like a dragon.  This explains why Chinese believe dragons existed. Scientists prove snakes lived with the dinosaurs. Oldest turtle fossil found in Poland believed to be 150 million years old. Explains where turtles come from. Scientist believes that turtles […]

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