Born Without Instincts

Instinct or innate behavior is the inherent inclination of a living organism towards a particular complex behavior.  These behaviors are not learned behaviors but are genetically programmed.  For instance, when hatched, sea turtles head for the open ocean from the beach… this is a hard-wired behavior.  Salmon swim up freshwater streams where they were born […]

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I am afraid!

The battle for reason continues in the scientific world of biology.  The paradigm of evolution controls the education of students from jr high to graduate school and the media rushes to support the idea without critical thought.    In debates with evolutionists, I find a scorn for all things spiritual and these things include decency, […]

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Keeping the myth alive.

Our science has been looking for Earth-like worlds for decades now.  Radio signals, stars like our own, wobbles in the light spectra coming from distant suns that may indicate an orbiting planet, are all part of the search for other worlds with potential life.   A recent discovery turned out to be “the planet that wasn’t […]

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The Bible’s Pattern for Christians.

The pattern for Christian living and church life outlined in the Bible is the imitation of God.  By Apostolic authority, the pattern revealed in the New Testament had little to do with the form of worship, recognition of a fixed liturgy, principles of the outward adorning of clothing or church attendance.  Rather, the teaching to live as […]

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Devious Deceptions and Dangerous Delusions

Evolutionary biology as a theory is on the defensive.  Scientific arguments for evolution lack factual evidence, relying on “probably” and “could have” to establish the foundation of further speculation.  When this kind of misadventure is pointed out, evolutionists are intimidated and angry often resorting to slander or derogatory remarks.  Evolutionists will negate associating biological evolution […]

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Evolutionary claims abound.   As though scientists had just returned from a trip to the past after watching events unfold in real time, news blurbs report just so stories with a level of detail that current field observers would miss.  This time the fossil discovery of sharks and shark eggs found up river from an ancient […]

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