Evolution of madness!

What’s it all about?  This evolution stuff has a powerful persuasion over the human mind especially because it is backedsave-planet-kill-yourself by scientists who claim evolution is science!  For over a hundred years the Western world, Europe, and the Americas, have been told by the academic community that humans are just evolved animals and that we have no privileged position above other animals in life.  This dehumanization of human beings has recently been extended to include plant life; the idea that we are no different as life forms, no better than plants.  Ultimately, this has led many academic scientists to claim we are a plague on the planet and some of us (not the academics of course) should just die for the sake of the planet.

It is of interest that this position, formed out of a humanist manifesto and founded on the pseudoscience of evolution, is diametrically opposite of biblical revelation?  The Bible says the world was formed out of water. Evolution says it was formed from fire.  The Bible says the Earth is young, while evolution says it is billions of years old (in spite of evidence to the contrary or ISOTETC).  The Bible says God created, while evolution says nothing created (in spite of evidence to the

Worship the creation?

Worship the creation?

contrary).  The Bible says people are unique and evolution says we aren’t (ISOTETC).  The world suffered a global flood (and fossils, canyons, oceans, mountains are proof).  Evolution says that 5 major catastrophic events destroyed the world (at least they are getting closer to the truth) and fossils are evidence of these.  The Bible says all things reproduce after their kind.  Evolution says every kind of life evolved from very different ancestors (ISOTETC).  Fossils are always found formed by a rapid burial of once-living things in oceanic sediments; this supports the Bible.  Evolution says fossils are formed over eons except when they are not. All oceanographic and geological formations can be explained by the action of water; either on the crust or below the crust of the planet.  This supports the Bible.  Evolution says global floods are ridiculous except on other planets like Mars, that are devoid of water.

Other problems with evolution include the fact that no mechanism for it has yet satisfied any scientist in an experimental way.  Evolution is said to have explanatory power except when it doesn’t.  Evolution occurs rapidly except when it occurs slowly or not at all.  Evolution is predicted to have created hundreds of billions of intermediate life forms, but there is no way of proving this.  Evolution is said to have created the information molecule DNA but then evolutionists make it clear that the information content of DNA is just an illusion of design.  Evolution says the human mind is not an immaterial reality but it offers nothing to explain our personality, free-will and an existence completely free of instincts, unlike animals.

Evolution says an asteroid killed the dinosaurs except when it may have been a comet or even dinosaur flatulence; a

Dinosaur flatulence killed the dinosaurs?

Dinosaur flatulence killed the dinosaurs?

recently revived story that dino farts produced so much methane that it changed the climate of the planet and the animals died.  Evolution is said to be a law, but a law without rules is not a law.  New terms are evolved to describe disturbing biological phenomena that don’t fit evolution faster than evolution is said to occur.  Ninety percent of all fossils found represent animals alive today in the same form.  Ten percent of fossils represent extinction; this number is probably far less.

Evolution is said to be obvious today in the existence of domesticated plants and animals.  This is artificial selection, not natural selection.  But evolution insists that artificial selection is evolution when in fact it is not even the same mechanism.  Evolution by natural selection is hard and even impossible to prove in the real world.  Artificial selection is possible because of pre-existing genetic elements in the DNA of all life forms.  And, the act of sexual reproduction (which cannot be explained by evolution by the way) with its control over a random assortment of chromosomes and crossover events between sister chromosomes is well documented and defined by science.  These “changes” in DNA bring about variability in

Truly random assortment of DNA is a biologically control event!

Truly random assortment of DNA is a biologically control event!

living forms and permits artificial selection to produce interesting dogs, cats, horses, corn, rice, and mice.  Darwin’s evolution, the molecules to men kind of evolution, has been scientifically proven not to exist.  It has been statistically proven to be impossible.  It has been experimentally proven to destroy life forms.  This is because it depends on new information being created by random changes in DNA (mutations) and information does not arise from randomonium.

The only single contribution that evolution has given to humankind is a subjective satisfaction to claim atheism is rational.  Atheism is counter-intuitive to everything we know about the Universe, the Planet, and every living thing.  Atheism is a religious, philosophical, belief-system that supports evolution while believing that evolution supports atheism.  It is circular reasoning or in simpler words… sheer madness.



So what if all of the missing links are still missing. Evolution is a fact!

So what if all of the missing links are still missing. Evolution is a fact!


Any biologist knows the tricks of the trade in blending terminologies to describe processes that are unfounded in empirical science.  This is illusion or delusion.  It is no longer a rational theory with explanatory power but a subjective philosophical proposition that borders on mythology and fairy tales.  This is frightening when academics and institutions of higher learning are teaching students stuff that has no basis in fact and fails to meet the test of reality.  It is the continuing evolution of madness.














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