Life is Complex and Beautiful


Biological evolution is supported by unproven and unprovable assumptions.  The acceptance of evolution as fact is based on faith and some fantasy and cannot explain the essential requirements of what it proposes: the origin of life, the organization of life, and the complexity of life.  Evolution does not explain anything though many stories have been contrived to keep faith alive in the failing hypothesis that life is the product of “change.”

The story, which continues to evolve, is that bacteria gave rise to protozoa, gave rise to sponges, gave rise to jellyfish, gave rise to flatworms, starfish, jawless fish, bony fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals and then mankind.  Though there continues to be debate as to whether evolution actually goes from simple to complex the story sticks with us.  However, some evolutionists have tried to show how apes might have evolved from humans.  Others proposed that it was the female of the species that was the driving force behind our development to bipedal, upright, creatures and not the male as most would have us believe.  And no one can explain how evolution discovered sex or why our brains enlarged. Grandmothers are a real mystery to evolutionists though they are contriving some neat little stories as to why evolution didn’t do away with grandmothers.  After all  once they lose their reproductive usefulness why do they hang around?


Furthermore, human language is a problem of such complexity no evolutionist will contend for any particular story as to how speech came about.  And when it comes to bird songs, evolutionists do not understand how it is that a bird must hear its own song first in order to sing it. After all, who taught the first bird the first song to sing?  Bird songs are not hardwired.  They are learned from one generation to another.

Nest building on the other hand is hardwired.  Birds can build simple nests like the straw bowl of the robin or colonies of condominiums with each dwelling attached to the next through homemade twine of hair, grass, and spider silk.  Some birds “evolved” the ability to make a nest from their own spit.  They literally build a nest out of the proteins from their salivary glands and create a cup against the side of cliffs… hundreds of feet above the floor below.  Imagine how natural selection solved this feat through time!  Some birds build floating nests while others build on islands they have made of stone.  How did evolution figure all this out?

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Did you know your brain is the most complex chunk of matter in the universe?  The evolutionary story says it was because we started to eat meat that our ape-like brains began to grow.  Why?  How?  Evidence? Did you know your brain has enough memory to record 2 billion lifetimes?  It is as though we were made to live forever.

Did you know that human beings do not have a single instinct?  Maternal instinct is not a hard-wired device.  It does not fall into the category of instinct.  Why don’t humans have a single instinct left over from our 4 billion years of trying to survive?  Why would evolution be so stupid as to leave us choice?  Did you know the flight and fight response is not an instinct?

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It is a reflex… very different from instinct.  Human infants have no instincts either.  An infant turns towards the nipple to suckle out of a nervous reflex.  Put your pinky on the cheek of a newborn and the babe will suckle your finger.  Also, your spinal cord will trigger a reflex before your brain knows your fingers are on fire… thank God we have a few devices hard wired. But we have no instincts like all other animals on the planet.


Did you know that when whales mate a third partner is needed to hold up the pair so copulation can be successful?  How did evolution figure this one out before all the whales drowned during mating attempts?  Ever think about metamorphosis of a butterfly larva (worm) into a butterfly?   After eating for a few weeks the newly hatched worm grows hundreds of times its original size, stops eating, spins a silk cocoon and every cell in its wormy body of a dozen legs and cutting mouth rearranges into a puss-like mass of cellular muck only to re-organize into a flying creature with 6 legs, a sucking proboscis, sex organs and a radiant beauty only matched by flowers.  Do you think evolution had anything to do with the life of this creature?



Life is filled with complexity.  Life is complex.  Life has a plan, a blueprint.  The reading of that blueprint is with precision.  The precision must be accurate.  Accuracy and precision are predefined in the blueprints for life.  From the moment of conception the plan begins to unfold which results in the 100 trillion nervous connections from a 100 billion cells that creates your brain.

How did evolution do this?  “One step at a time” explains nothing.  “Nature selected” explains nothing.  “Chance, time and probability” explain nothing. Eating lots of “meat” explains less than nothing.

Why would anyone talk about evolution as though it explained anything?  It doesn’t.  Faith in evolution, however, explains everything.  Hmmmmmm!  Wait a minute.  Faith in God explains everything too.

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Listen for a moment:

Job 12:7-11(NRSV)

7 “But ask the animals, and they will teach you;

the birds of the air, and they will tell you;

8 ask the plants of the earth, and they will teach you;

and the fish of the sea will declare to you.

9 Who among all these does not know

that the hand of the Lord has done this?

10 In his hand is the life of every living thing

and the breath of every human being.

11 Does not the ear test words
    as the palate tastes food?

I do have one small recommendation; don’t let anyone see you talking to plants.

Interestingly it is not just skeptics like myself, a scientist who believes in God, who find the facts of evolution to be preposterous.  Sir Ernest Chain who won the Nobel Prize for the development of penicillin in 1945.  Said this:

“To postulate that the development and survival of the fittest is entirely a consequence of chance mutations seems to me a hypothesis based on no evidence and irreconcilable with the facts. These classical evolutionary theories are a gross over-simplification of an immensely complex and intricate mass of facts, and it amazes me that they are swallowed so uncritically and readily, and for such a long time, by so many scientists without a murmur of protest.”

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The level of complexity involved in the existence of life, life’s interdependence and amazingly fine-tuned material existence of the planet’s orbit around the sun, abundance of water and renewable resources simply cannot be the product of any accident of nature.  The odds are against any possibility that we are here by chance.  But these things literally prove the existence of intelligent agency at the foundation of the world.

Dr Etheridge, a world renown paleontologist of the British Museum said this:

“Nine-tenths of the talk of evolutionists is sheer nonsense, not founded on observation and wholly unsupported by facts.  This museum is full of proofs of the utter falsity of their views.  In all this great museum, there is not a particle of evidence of the transmutation of the species.”


In cellular and molecular biology, evolution asks us to believe that the first molecules, be they protein, RNA or DNA after falling in place in a perfect linear fashion, somehow covalently linked in this form.  These molecules then just happened to find a coding partner. They discovered a means to transcribe the code between the two opposing chemical types and at some point were able to discover and capture the literally thousands of biosynthetic pathways that make up the cell.  Amazingly, the typical simple cell has thousands of enzymes and hundreds of thousands of metabolic pathways.  How did evolution do this?

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Belief in evolution is paramount to a mindless commitment to religious persuasions.    Francis Crick, a contributor to the discovery of the structure of the DNA molecule, said this, “An honest man, armed with all the knowledge available to us now, could only state that in some sense, the origin of life appears at the moment to be almost a miracle, so many are the conditions which would have had to have been satisfied to get it going.”  He could not bring himself to go all the way and admit to a super-natural maker.  Shame on him and men like him.

I am a skeptic, of both false evolution and false religions.  I am not alone. Michael Denton, an Australian M.D. and PhD in molecular biology wrote in his book, Evolution: A theory in crisis:

“To the skeptic, the proposition that the genetic programs of higher organisms, consisting of something close to a thousand million bits of information, equivalent to the sequence of letters in a small library of one thousand volumes, containing in encoded form countless thousands of intricate algorithms controlling, specifying and ordering the growth and development of billions and billions of cells into the form of a complex organism, were composed by a purely random process is simply an affront to reason.  But to the Darwinist the idea is accepted without a ripple of doubt.” P.27.  He further said the “The intuitive feeling that pure chance could ever have achieved the degree of complexity and ingenuity so ubiquitous in nature has been a continuing source of skepticism ever since the publication of the Origin of the Species.  Is it really credible that random processes could have constructed a reality, the smallest element of which –a functional protein or gene – is complex beyond our own creative capacities, a reality which is the very antithesis of chance, which excels in every sense anything produced by the intelligence of man?”


Fred Hoyle chose to believe the possibility that intelligent design had a significant role in life’s origin and continuation.  Known for his theory of nucleosynthesis, he lost the Nobel Prize because of his honest opinion on evolution.  He said that he was at a loss to understand biologists’ widespread compulsion to deny what seems obvious; that evolution is a failed hypothesis and intelligent intervention was and is required for life’s existence.


Dr. R.L. Wysong, a biologist and practitioner of veterinary medicine had this to say after years of study:  “…evolution asks us to break stride from what is natural to believe in that which is unnatural, unreasonable, and …unbelievable.  The basis for this departure from what is natural and reasonable to believe is not fact, observation, or experience but rather unreasonable extrapolations from abstract probabilities, mathematics and philosophy. “

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I hope we are making some headway here.  Evolutionists don’t believe the theory has explained anything but they believe it has explanatory power any way.  Sounds a bit insane to me. Evolutionists believe in evolution, just as the Baal worshipers believed their drunken orgies would bring good fortune.  It is nonsense, non-science, and a crippling dogma in our educational systems.


There is so very much to say about the millions of life forms from their complex development from fertilized eggs, or their multiplication of cells by binary division or their complex programmed behaviors such as migration patterns, or mating dances, or knowledge of edible foods and more.  No library will ever fill the knowledge of complexity we have discovered in living things.

Belief in evolution is an irrational and fanatic approach to rejection of God, not a commitment to science.  Life is far, far too complex to be explained by accidents.



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