Life? Just Add Water!

Got life?  Just add water!  Or, so evolutionists would have us believe.  We are often scolded when thinking we

Earth: undeniably unique in all the Universe.

Earth: undeniably unique in all the Universe.  Solar eclipse from space.

humans are the pinnacle of creation.  This absurd notion was quietly retired when scientists adopted biological evolution without evidence.  Our unique humanity is routinely squelched by evolutionary devotees like Richard Dawkins and Eugene Scott.  For them, just because we might be sentient beings does not make us anymore unique than other animals or plants for that matter.  After all, if you want life, just add water.  How special can people be if this is the case?


After several hundred years of looking for signs of life on Mars the verdict, though still not in, is always conditioned with, “there is just not enough water on Mars.”  Our failure to find life on Mars is thought to be a failure to find water on Mars.  We are told,“Compelling but inconclusive evidence of extraterrestrial

Just add water?

Just add water?

liquid water has so far eluded direct confirmation.”  We search the distant galaxy for other planetary bodies, desperate for the infrared spectrum that will scream, “There is water here!”  After all, we know that life arose on Earth in a warm organic soup, or an oozing bubbling pond, or near hydrothermal vents or in an asteroid’s impact crater that harbored both chemicals and water or in some frozen watery ice shelf or… well… in water somewhere, somehow.  We know this much, don’t we?


Soup theory.

Soup theory.

Water-vent theory.

Water-vent theory.










This is why we are so interested in Io and Titan, two moons of Jupiter.  They seem to have water.  Io plumes water out into space and Titan may have a sea of liquid water.  This “liquid” water is at -170 ⁰C due to the contaminants of ammonia and methane; it is not likely to be the kind of water that just sprouts life on contact.  But, maybe rare events may cause the ejecta of purer water to remain liquid, which “…may persist as liquid for centuries or longer, sufficient for “the synthesis of simple precursor molecules to the origin of life.”  (Really!!?).  So, the story goes on.  If we only had water on other worlds, we would find life.


IO: Water (Sulfur) plume into space.


Evolution would proceed and that is all it takes.  Nobody should believe that this is all it takes to get life started.  Biochemistry has not been found outside of a living cell and the structure of genetic information is such that no natural

Poor lonely, lifeless Mars.

Poor lonely, lifeless Mars.

mechanisms can give rise to polymers like DNA or RNA let alone the proteins that mediate the biology we recognize as life.  Nothing in the natural world of rocks, stones, soups or ponds, thermal vents, lightning strikes or asteroids will ever align the precursors of proteins or genetic molecules in an order to create information.  It is a known fact that this does not happen chemically and will remain a fact throughout eternity. Reactions happen in water but water does not make reactions happen.  Water is needed for life but everything we know of life proves that it must first exist in order to have the requirement for water.  Water does not give birth to life.  It sustains it.

Furthermore, no amount of water will position a planet at the right distance from the sun,

Sagan had NASA turn Voyager's camera on Earth, 3.7 billion miles away.

Sagan had NASA turn Voyager’s camera on Earth, 3.7 billion miles away.  The Pale Blue Dot.

balanced with a moon of the right proportion as our moon.  No amount of water will account for the right size planet to circle the right kind of star, of the correct composition, with the remarkable calm coronal activity, as our sun possesses, now and forever.  Water cannot determine if a solar system will be found in the habitable zone of a galaxy. So far there seems to be only one habitable zone likely to be in any galaxy and we are there!   Guillermo Gonzalez claims “Our solar system is part of a Galactic Habitable Zone in the Milky Way galaxy—probably the only zone of its kind.”  There are so many factors needed for life to flourish on a

Cassini camera zoomed in on the Earth-Moon system.

Cassini camera zoomed in on the Earth-Moon system.

world like ours that for many cosmologists and astronomers what is called an insignificant blue marble, circling a common average star, sitting in a non-descript region of a very ordinary galaxy, is so far from the truth as to be declared patently absurd.  Carl Sagan worded this position this way, “Because of the reflection of sunlight . . . Earth seems to be sitting in a beam of light, as if there were some special significance to this small world.  But it’s just an accident of geometry and optics . . . .  Our posturings, our imagined self-importance, the delusion that we have some privileged position in the Universe, are challenged by this point of pale light.  Our planet is a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark.  In our obscurity, in all this vastness, there is no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from ourselves.”

From the moon. An Earthrise.

From the moon. An Earthrise.

This negative, or as another put it, “melancholy” perspective of our world is deliberate in ignoring the many factors and features of our world that make it very unique to life and to discovery.  Guillermo Gonzalez said this in his book The Priveledged Planet,  “Even more mysterious than the fact that our location is so congenial to diverse measurement and discovery is that these same conditions appear to correlate with habitability.  This is strange, because there’s no obvious reason to assume that the very same rare properties that allow for our existence would also provide the best overall setting to make discoveries about the world around us.  We don’t think this is merely coincidental.  It cries out for another explanation, an explanation that suggests there’s more to the cosmos than we have been willing to entertain or even imagine.”


Life: Just add water?

If we suppose there is life elsewhere in the universe, it will be found on a planet not similar to ours, but identical to it.  This is predictable based on every necessary feature that makes our world habitable.  To suppose that Io or Mars gave rise to life because there is water is non-sense.  If we find anything remotely remnant of organic beings on the planet Mars we can be most assured that it had its origin on planet Earth, not from some unnatural mysticism like evolution and its pre-biotic soup.




One Response to “Life? Just Add Water!”

  1. Mody Nader

    Dear Dan :
    I need to hear your response on Haynes experiment where they claim that they proved that no free will is a fact ,,!.,.
    M. N.


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