Organic Molecules Survive for 350 Million Years?

Fig. 2. Living fossils? Or just living?

Fig. 2. Living fossils? Or just living?

Breaking news in the science of paleontology!  Organic (living) molecules have been found in several fossilized species of marine sea lilies (Figure 1).  The fossilized crinoids (sea lilies) are found throughout the U.S. Midwest sedimentary rock but the current discovery was found in Australia (Fig. 2).  The surprise to the discoverers was that these fossils are supposed to 350 million years old yet their colors have not been fossilized.  Instead, it appears that the colors are due to pigment molecules termed quinones (Fig. 3).

Fig. 1. Colored fossils.

Fig. 1. Colored fossils.


The interpretations of the fossil find, like most if not all fossil finds, is remarkably identical to a description of a global Noachian flood type model.  Fast moving marine waters buried living sea animals in fine sediments that soon after hardened to stone when the waters receded.   Although the authors of the work[1] describe this fossilization event that laid down the sediments as due to a storm at sea.  What’s wrong with this interpretation?


From the photo, we can see the crinoids were perfectly preserved.  From the science behind their color retention and the existence of carbon compounds – quinones, these fossils are not 350 million years old.  Organic molecules were never believed to last, even under pristine conditions, for this amount of time.  Organic molecules degrade even purified and stored at -80 degrees centigrade.   The ONLY reason scientists will concede to organic compounds lasting millions of years is that their belief supports their prior commitment to millions of years.


What else is very surprising is that the sea lilies that have been found are species still living today.  Crinoids, like thousands of fossil life forms, just appear in the fossil record.  Yet they are still found alive today. They never evolved any further. There is no evidence of what they evolved from, that is, they have no origin. They just appear 350 million years ago and are never found in younger sedimentary strata yet here they are living in the oceans today… living fossils.  This also means for 350 million years the earth has not undergone climate changes.  It is either this or the fossils are not 350 million years old. Oh, evolutionists will speak of isolated pockets of untouched ecosystems… anything to protect their evolutionary paradigm.  And now they believe frail organic compounds can survive the impossible when science has proven this is not possible.

Fig. 3. Simple carbon compounds - quinones.

Fig. 3. Simple carbon compounds – quinones.




This interpretation of crinoid molecules is just not possible but then neither is Darwinian evolution.


[1] Gorder, P., Ancient Fossilized Sea Creatures Yield Oldest Biomolecules Isolated Directly from a Fossil, Ohio State University—Research and Innovation Communications,, 18 February 2013

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