Transitional life forms!


Oh, Yeah? Yeah!

A few years ago I engaged in an online – email discussion with a fellow that was sinking deeper into insanity and unhappiness.  It soon took a turn into a debate forum; not of my doing.  I like to discuss and I will debate but when a discussion turns to a defensive attempt at being right, it becomes a debate forum and reasoning, in this case, was set aside.  Reason though I did, I would not be heard above the rhetoric of evolutionary proofs that were sure to have convinced this man that religion is nonsense and God a myth.    I don’t do much debating on the topic of religion save to say that God has done away with true religion at the resurrection of Christ.  The Jewish religious life had come to an end and yielded to the way, the truth, and the life.  I take this to mean that God had restored our relationship through Christ and the old ways of worship, bloody sacrifice, tithe offerings were not to come to mind anymore.  They were replaced with simple godly living.

For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes. Romans 10:4

For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes. Romans 10:4

Of the many proofs given me by my email buddy, one was a list of proven transitional life forms he had downloaded from Wikipedia.  Don’t laugh too hard at this.  I think the Wiki is a great tool, though sometimes it must be

Transitional forms often called transmutation of the species.

Transitional forms often called transmutation of the species.

further researched for assurance. Within the list of “known transitional life forms”, starting with the nautilus and proceeding to man, both the date of the

Primitive nautilus?

Primitive nautilus?

fossil discovery and some adjoining comments linking that find to modern day “ancestors” were included.  As I looked over the list I noticed that each fossil was given a classification, a genus and sometimes a species.  Some were extinct according to the list of comments.  And nearly all had the word “primitive” before its identity; for instance, a primitive spider, a primitive bee.

Here is a partial list that will get you through to the reptiles.  I stopped here because, just as I told my buddy, nearly every fossil discovered was recognizable as something living to day.  Those few fossils that are not

One of the most primitive spiders on earth (but living today)!

One of the most primitive spiders on earth (but living today)!

represented by things living went extinct like the dinosaurs.

Notice that an octopus is an octopus, a fish is a fish, an insect is a bee, an ant, a cockroach, an amphibian is an amphibian and a reptile is a reptile.  Nothing shown here was a transitional.  Until the list came to man and then a lot of “debate” over where to put apes and hominids is clearly confusing the specialist let alone the lay person trying to prove evolution.




List of transitional life forms


Bactritid (a nautiloid)

Ammonoidea (a nautiloid)

Protopterus aethiopicus... the lungfish of today. Evolution sailed without him.

Protopterus aethiopicus… the lungfish of today. Evolution sailed without him.

Pohlepia (an octopod)

Proteroctopus (an octopus)

Vampyronassa (a vampire octopus)

Palaeoctopus (an octopus)


Rhyniognatha (a sprintail)

Rhyniella (a springtail)

Archimylacris (a cochroach)

Aphthoroblattina (a cockroach)

Evolution of the whale in 10 million years.  Only the facts are missing to the story.

Evolution of the whale in 10 million years. Only the facts are missing to the story.

Archaeolepis (a cadisfly)

Melittoshex (a bee)

Sphecomyrna (an ant)

Eophyllium (a leaf insect)


How fossils form.

How fossils form.

Attercopus (spider)

Eoplectreurys (a spider)


Pikaia (a lancelet)

Conodont (much like an eel, whole class believed to be extinct)

Haikouichthys (a type of agnathan, hagish or lamprey)

Arandaspis (a jawless fish)

Birkeni (a jawless fish)

Guiyu (a fish)

Cladoselache (a shark)

Dalpiazia (a sawfish)

Cyclobatis (a stingray)stingray


Andreolepis (a ray-finned fish like bass)

Amphistum (a codfish)

Eobothus (flatfish like the flounder)

Leptlepis (a ray-finned fish)

Anguillavus (an eel)

Hippocampus (the seahorse)

Nardovelifer (a lamprid fish, a fish)

A most complex animal of the sea... evolved from the....................  No one can fill in the bank.

A most complex animal of the sea… evolved from the……………….. No one can fill in the bank.

Eomola (sunfish)

Corydoras (a catfish)

Ruffoichthys (a rabbitfish- colorful coral fish)

Palaeoperca (a perch)

Trachicaranx (a pomfret- common ocean fish)

Histionotophorus (a handfish)

Eolactoria (a boxfish)

Proaracana (boxfish)



Gazoliachthys (surgeonfish- marine, coral, good pet)

Psettopsis (moonyfish)

Pasaichthys (a moonyfish)

Eozanclus (Moorish idol fish- pretty coral reef fish)

Cretatriacanthus ( a puffer fish)

Nardoichthys ( a perch)

Protozeus (a dory)

Archaeozeus (a dory fish)

Cooyoo (poorly resolved group of fish believed to be extinct)

Giant salamander - yes it is alive!

Giant salamander – yes it is alive!

Protriacanthus (a puffer)

Osteolepis (lungfish)

Eusthenopteron (lobed fin fish – the hoped for four footed fish)

Panderichthys (fish with a nice head)

Tktaalik (like the last two fish, a fishapod, no arms, no legs, no hands, no wrists)

Elginerpeton (a salamander – single find includes part of shoulder, hip, a femur, a tibia and  jaw fragments

Ventastega (listed as an amphibian -known from a lower jaw fragment but believed to have had feet (?))

Acanthostega (amphibian)

Ichthyostega (an amphibian)

Hynerpeton (amphibian)

Asphyxiation by drowning.  This contortion of the body is common in fully articulated fossils.  Otherwise the body has been torn to pieces by currents and dispersed over hundreds of square meters.

Asphyxiation by drowning. This contortion of the body is common in fully articulated fossils. Otherwise the body has been torn to pieces by currents and dispersed over hundreds of square meters.

Tuerpeton (amphibian)

Pederpes (amphibian extinct)

Eryops (extinct amphibian)

Gerobatrachus (a frogamander… most likely a died when developing into a frog)

Triadobatrachus (a frog)

Jawless fish of today

Jawless fish of today

Prosalirus (a frog)

Vieraelaa (a frog)

Eocaecilia ( caecilian – salamanders without legs, living today)

Proterogyrinus (amphibian)

Limnoscelis (amphibian)

Tseajaia (amphibian)

Westlothoiana (reptile)

Casineria (reptile)

Hlonomus (reptile)

Turtles evolved from turtles which evolved from turtles which evolved from turtles which....

Turtles evolved from turtles, which evolved from turtles, which evolved from turtles, which….

Paleothyris (a reptile)

Odontochelys (a turtle)

Proganochelys (turtle)

Eileancelys (sea turtle)

Somehow because these creatures were fossilized they were called “primitive”. But nothing in their appearance or their remains was noted as a primitive structure. Each fossil seemed perfectly adapted to its life style and each was fully recognizable by their features as something living today, or sadly completely extinct. Even bits of skull or shoulder blade could be classified as a type of life form with which we are familiar. By placing the word “primitive” before each animal the list looked more genuine – I guess!

In fact the spider and bee and the puffer fish, if they left offspring then they are the ancestors of some little creature living today.  But then isn’t that what living things do?  They reproduce after their kind.  If the nautiloid is a species that is 500 million years old, we have only one of its kind living today.  Isn’t that wonderful and amazing.  A species that did not change over 500 million years.

I believe I can fly!

I believe I can fly! Wait. What?

Yet somehow we are to believe other species did change.  The first spider changed into … more spiders.  The first fish changed into … more fish.  The first primitive octopus is still a primitive octopus since he didn’t change into much more than… more octopi.


I am unconvinced that evolution has occurred in this regards.  I am shaken by the fact that nearly all of these fossils were found buried in marine sediments, laid down by catastrophic movements of water that sealed the tombs of marine, land, and every flying creature known.  (Yes the parrot, raven, bat, pterodactyl, flamingo and many other critters were drowned and buried and we have their fossils to prove this).  And none of these fossils were dated directly.  Only the assumed dates of the sedimentary rocks were used to prove the age of the fossil find.

“Data from this mega bonebed provide pretty clear evidence that these and other dinosaurs were routinely wiped out by catastrophic tropical storms that flooded what was once a coastal lowland here in Alberta, 76 million years ago,” said David Eberth, a senior research scientist at the [Royal Tyrrell] museum, the lead author on the study… With no high ground to escape to, most of the members of the herd drowned in the rising coastal waters. Carcasses were deposited in clumps across kilometres of ancient landscape as floodwaters receded. “It’s unlikely that these animals could tread water for very long, so the scale of the carnage must have been breathtaking,” said Mr. Eberth.

Alberta Candada has one of the largest fossil graveyards discovered.  Tens of thousands of ceratopsids encased in sediments make up the cliffs of the mountain side. “Data from this mega bonebed provide pretty clear evidence that these and other dinosaurs were routinely wiped out by catastrophic tropical storms that flooded what was once a coastal lowland here in Alberta, 76 million years ago,” said David Eberth, a senior research scientist at the [Royal Tyrrell] museum, the lead author on the study… With no high ground to escape to, most of the members of the herd drowned in the rising coastal waters. Carcasses were deposited in clumps across kilometers of ancient landscape as flood waters receded.  “It’s unlikely that these animals could tread water for very long, so the scale of the carnage must have been breathtaking,” said Mr. Eberth.

I think a much more marvelous transition would be to see evolutionists apply reason and hypothesis testing to the assumption that what cannot be proven, must have happened in the distant past.  Assuming evolution is not proof of evolution.  Even proving evolution is outside the realm of hypothesis testing.  We are left with faith again.  Faith in a hypothesis that cannot be tested or faith in an intelligence that has made belief obvious.





The Superb blue wren of Australia.

The Superb blue wren of Australia.




4 Responses to “Transitional life forms!”

    • Sedevacante

      So much time and energy has been wasted by these ‘evolution’ religion adherents searching for “missing links”. One major stumbling block to the ‘evolutionist’ remains though… and that is:

      The entire chain is missing!

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    こんにちは!私はこれにしてきた宣誓かもしれない前に、しかし後に{読書|ブラウジング|チェックポストのいくつかを、私はそれが私には新機能が実現。 とにかく、私は間違いだうれしい私はそれを発見し、私はなるだろうブックマークとバックチェック頻繁!

    • Dr. Daniel Moran, Ph.D.

      Thanks you very much. どうもありがとうございました !


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